The vinegar factory

Come on in. Don’t stay at the door…

Come in. Welcome to the vinegar factory!

Here we produce, bottle, label and distribute each and every one of our vinegars. It is a place of work, but also of inspiration, enjoyment, tasting, gathering…

Here, machines with the latest technology sit side by side with older machines that we have inherited from our family and we keep very dearly. The result is a place of contrasts where modernity and tradition go hand in hand.

The working environment is friendly, intimate and relaxed, because we are more than a team, we are a family. We each have separate roles, but like all small companies, we all do a bit of everything… that’s just how it is!

While other companies want to grow more and more, we want to be small. Because we understand that this is the only way we can still be happy, without our production being bound to sales.

Would you like to visit the vinegar factory?

Fill in the form and we will arrange a visit. We hope to see you soon!

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    Coordenadas: Carrer Aragó, 4
    41°37’51.1″N 0°53’29.6″E

    Samuel BoucherThe vinegar factory