This Christmas, we want to travel through time and share with you the history of Badia Vinagres and our family.
From 1925 until the 1970s, three different generations -our great-grandfather, our grandfather and our father- would go to deliver in the towns around Mollerussa. This year, we want to gift you with this tradition in the form of Christmas lots, named after the towns that have been part of our history.
While naming our lots, we imagined them travelling on the three-wheeled motorcycle, or in the DKW van, or in the Barreiros or Ebro truck. Depending on the length of the route, they would use one vehicle or another.

As some of you may already know, the second and third generations of Badia expanded the business and made wines, spirits, vinegars and ice. In addition, we distributed other renowned brands such as Priorat wines, Martini vermouth, Serra champagne and Miró champagne, Damm beer or Pepsi-Cola. It was in the seventies when Badia Vinagres focused on the production of vinegars and also put an end to the routes through the villages.
The lots that we are offering you are little works of art and of gastronomy, a sample of everything we are, our history, our creativity and our evolution as vinegar producers. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do.
Little gastronomic gifts
Who doesn’t have to rack their brains around these days to be an “invisible” friend, or to make a little gift to surprise a friend or family member? To make it easy for you, we have created the Fondarella, Miralcamp, Sidamon and Puiggròs lots.
Gastronomic details
As we know that you love our hand-painted cardboard boxes, we have prepared the lots of Vila-sana, Ivars d’Urgell, Barbens, El Palau d’Anglesola, El Poal and Els Arcs.

Within this range of gifts, you will also find the Fuliola, Boldú, Tornabous and La Guàrdia lots, which are presented in a small ceramic piece with the flower of our logo. They are 100% personalised and handmade by our ceramist, Carme Mercè, of La Fuliola.

Exclusive gifts
If you want to go further, the Golmés, Vilanova de Bellpuig, Castellnou, Bellvís and Bellpuig lots can be a perfect option as a gift for this holiday season. These lots are presented in wooden boxes, also painted by hand, which reflect the craftsmanship and authenticity that defines Badia Vinagres.

We also have options for fans of originality; the Torregrossa, Juneda and Mollerussa lots are exceptional.

You can come and discover our Christmas lots at the Pop-up Store that will remain open until the 30th of December in our vinegar factory.
Badia Vinagres (c. del Palau, 9, de Mollerussa)
Timetable: From the 27/11 to the 30/12
Monday to Friday, from 8 to17 h (we do not close at noon)
and Wednesdays until 19 h
Were you surprised by our lots with history? Well, now we want to tell you about a product that we have been offering you for Christmas for a few years. Vinegar and chocolate lovers, pay attention!
We bring you a chocolate that departs from the classic, creamy, white, dark or milk chocolate praline, caramel or hazelnut chocolates. It is an author’s chocolate, surprising and essential for understanding Christmas at Mollerussa.

For the last four years, we have been creating our own sweet and sour chocolates. They are gastronomic collectibles, gourmet delights to surprise the most exquisite palates. You can find them in some of our lots and you can also purchase them separately. They are a little luxury for this Christmas!
These chocolates are created exclusively for Badia Vinagres by the Uñó pastry shop in Mataró. They have been master pastry chefs since the 1960s and have a wide variety of handmade products, ranging from the most traditional to the most creative ones.
Four flavours of dark chocolate bonbons filled with a reduction of our sweet and sour:
- Merlot sweet and sour chocolate, with sensations of red fruit
- Riesling sweet and sour chocolate, with refreshing notes of tropical fruit
- Porto sweet and sour chocolate, with a touch of Porto wine
- Orange blossom honey sweet and sour chocolate, with a light touch of honey
You can buy our sweet and sour chocolates exclusively in our Pop-up store and in the online store. They are of a limited edition, so hurry up!