Walk with Badia Vinagres and give your feet an acidly refreshing touch

Did you know that at Badia Vinagres, we have a handbook of potions with vinegar for body care? The thing is, this so-typical household product bears natural properties which can also be used to treat our hair or feet.

Today we’ll discuss the benefits of apple vinegar for our feet, information which could prove quite useful to you in the summer months. It’s worth mentioning that apple vinegar is not considered an agent of direct hydration, but it can help us in certain aspects of the care and health of our feet, because it has antimicrobial properties and may be beneficial for some common foot problems.

For example, apple vinegar can help soften and remove dead skin from feet through its light exfoliating action. This application may prove beneficial if your feet have calluses or rough skin. Mix one part apple vinegar with two parts water and gently rub this solution into your feet with a washcloth or sponge.

The refreshing properties of apple vinegar make it your perfect ally in the hottest months. It may be useful for relieving tiredness and swelling in feet. Prepare a recipient with water, add a cup of apple vinegar and soak your feet for 15-20 minutes to obtain a sensation of relief and freshness.

Apple vinegar can also help us fight fungal infections like athlete’s foot due to its antifungal properties. Dissolve one part apple vinegar with three parts lukewarm water and soak your feet in this solution for 15-20 minutes. Vinegar is not effective against all kinds of fungal infections, so please consult a health professional to obtain an accurate diagnosis. If you experience any negative reactions to vinegar, stop using it.

And thus, thanks to the properties of apple vinegar, you’ll be able to walk through the summer months on healthy, light feet with Badia Vinagres.

MarketingWalk with Badia Vinagres and give your feet an acidly refreshing touch

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