Tònic digestiu amb vinagre de poma

:: Ingredients ::

:: Preparació ::

  1. En dejú: Barreja 1 cullerada de vinagre amb un got d’aigua. Remena bé i pren-te’l abans de menjar res, per començar bé el dia i estimular la digestió.
  2. Després d’un àpat pesat: Si et costa pair, afegeix 2 culleradetes de vinagre a un got d’aigua, remena i beu-lo per ajudar el teu organisme a digerir millor els aliments.
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MarketingTònic digestiu amb vinagre de poma
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La Garrotxa goat cheese and pumpkin tart

:: Ingredients ::

6-8 servings
A 20 cm diameter mould

For the base:

  • 150 g wholemeal spelt flour
  • 45 g almond cream (beaten toasted almonds)
  • 6 dried apricots soaked in 40 ml hot water
  • 2 tablespoons EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil)
  • Salt

For the filling:

  • 300 g roasted pumpkin (it can also be made with sweet potato or a mixture of both)
  • 200 g La Garrotxa goat cheese (you can replace it with another good melting cheese with a strong flavour of your choice)
  • 3 large tablespoons Badia Vinagres organic apple vinegar
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • A pinch of cinnamon
  • Salt

:: Preparation ::

Preheat the oven.
To begin with, prepare the base.
Place the dried apricots in a bowl with the water and heat.
Let stand for some minutes and then mix all the ingredients together until you have a smooth, workable dough.
If you have a food processor you can use the kneading function; if not, chop the dried apricots into small pieces by hand before mixing.
Roll the dough into a ball, place on baking paper and spread out using a rolling pin.
Once you have the dough rolled out, press the mould into the dough and trim any excess, leaving a 1-2 cm overhang.
(You can use the leftover dough to make a tartlet or a turnover).
Place the dough into the mould (either on the baking paper or not, grease slightly the mould with oil for easy demoulding).
Set aside and prepare the filling.

Dice the cheese, place in a saucepan and add vinegar.
Cook over low heat, stir constantly until the cheese is completely melted, forming a cream.
Mix the vinegar and cheese cream with the rest of the ingredients of the filling and beat until you have a smooth mixture (it will have a rather liquid consistency).
Pour the mixture on the base.
Bake at 180º for 40-45 minutes.
After this time, let stand for 15 minutes in the oven with the door slightly open, then remove and warm.
When it reaches room temperature, serve plain or decorate with seasonal vegetables or fruits (figs, grapes, persimmons, mushrooms…), nuts and/or seeds and serve.

Did you like this recipe? Keep on discovering how to use our vinegars and bittersweets

SamuelLa Garrotxa goat cheese and pumpkin tart
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