Badia and Gardeny: two brands, one family

Five generations of Badia Vinagres have given their all. We have been making artisanal vinegars for more than a hundred years and we make every endeavour to offer you the most traditional flavours with a unique seal of authenticity.

In recent years, thanks to our experience, passion and innovation, we have included new flavours that define us perfectly. The most traditional vinegars, such as apple vinegar or traditional wine vinegar, bear our Badia seal, and the most innovative vinegars and bittersweets are part of our range Gardeny. They are two different concepts, but they have been created at the same factory.

Our line of Badia vinegars is like a journey towards our roots and traditions. Every drop of these vinegars connects us with more than one hundred years of artisanal experience. Badia vinegars are an expression of our territory and our dedication to offering you the best. The Badia range, made up of the most traditional flavoured vinegars, such as traditional organic wine vinegar and organic apple cider vinegar, enriches our more everyday preparations.

On the other hand, the Gardeny family of vinegars is a universe of discovery and culinary innovation. It is made up of a wide range of vinegars and bittersweets with surprising flavours that whisk us away to a world of infinite gastronomic possibilities. These vinegars are designed for the most demanding palates and the most creative cuisines, offering a unique, exciting experience. It is the perfect choice for experimenting with new combinations and flavours. At present, the Gardeny range is made up of more than a dozen balsamic vinegars and bittersweets which won’t leave you unmoved.

As we have already explained to you in previous publications on our blog, when we talk about balsamic vinegar we are referring to a very delicate product with a subtle sweetness that only contains two ingredients: wine and grape must. It is the preferred choice for those palates looking for a touch less acidity. On the other hand, bittersweets are food condiments with an acidity below 6%, which means that they cannot be called vinegars, technically, but they fulfil the same function. They are designed for those people who are not lovers of overly acidic flavours, but who want to give a surprising touch to their dishes.

Whether you opt for the tradition and authenticity of Badia vinegars or the daring and innovation of Gardeny vinegars, experiment and be seduced by the sophistication of our products.

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Health and vinegar!

Vinegar is a condiment that has been appreciated and used for centuries around the world. We are proud to bring this tradition to your table. But did you know that there is much more to vinegar than its delicious flavour and versatility in the kitchen? It can also provide us with significant health benefits.

In our quest to explore the expert-endorsed health benefits of vinegar, we came across some fascinating articles which formed the basis for the following.


Benefit 1: Blood glucose monitoring

One of the most remarkable benefits of vinegar was found in the study Vinegar: Medicinal Uses and Antiglycemic Effect, by researchers Carol S. Johnston and Cindy A. Gaas from the Department of Nutrition at the University of Arizona. They highlight the ability of vinegar to help control blood glucose, improving insulin sensitivity and reducing blood sugar levels after meals. This study is particularly relevant for people with type 2 diabetes or those looking to keep their sugar levels stable.


Benefit 2: Promotes weight control

The research mentioned in the article Funcional Propierties of Vinegar published by several researchers in the Journal of Food Science points out that vinegar can help increase feelings of satiety, which also reduces total caloric intake. In addition, it can help reduce the accumulation of fat in the body. It should be remembered, however, that it should not be replaced by a healthy and balanced diet.


Benefit 3: Improves digestion

In the same article we mentioned above, experts mention that vinegar can stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which facilitates the breakdown of food and the absorption of nutrients. This can relieve digestive problems such as indigestion or acid reflux.


Benefit 4: Regulates cholesterol and improves cardiovascular health

In our quest to explore the health benefits of vinegar, we couldn’t have overlooked a study titled Effects of grape wine and apple cider vinegar on oxidative and antioxidative status in high cholesterol-fed rats. The study reveals that apple cider vinegar has the potential to improve blood lipid levels. In particular, a decrease in total cholesterol and triglyceride levels was observed, which is promising in the context of cardiovascular disease prevention. A healthier lipid profile is essential to keep your arteries cleaner.


Benefit 5: Antioxidant protection

All studies have in common the antioxidant potential of apple cider vinegar. They point out that it can help fight oxidative stress, a process that can contribute to premature ageing and heart-related diseases. The antioxidants present in vinegar help neutralise harmful free radicals, thus protecting the body’s cells and tissues. 


Benefit 6: Improves cognitive function

Finally, we want to highlight the study Continuous Ingestion of Acetic Acid Bacteria: Effect on Cognitive Function in Healthy Middle-Aged and Elderly Persons.It presents a fascinating perspective on how regular consumption of vinegar, especially vinegar containing acetic acid bacteria, could be linked to improvements in cognitive function and brain health. This discovery is highly relevant in a world where ageing and concerns about brain health are increasingly common. During the study the researchers observed improvements in the memory, attention and cognitive function of their participants. Ultimately, vinegar, specifically that which contains acetic acid bacteria, could play a role in supporting long-term brain health and could be crucial in reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

How do you incorporate vinegar into your diet?

Now that we’ve told you some of the research-backed benefits of vinegar, let’s talk about some simple ways to incorporate vinegar into your diet.

As a condiment in salads: use vinegar as a base for your home-made dressings, mix them with olive oil and, if you like, give it a twist with added fresh herbs. Enjoy the benefits of vinegar with fresh and healthy dishes.

Vinegar drink: mix a spoonful of vinegar in a glass of water and drink it before meals. It will help you improve your digestion, control your appetite and improve your cardiovascular health.

Sauce for marinades: adding vinegar to marinades and sauces enhances the flavour of meats, fish and vegetables. Also, vinegar makes food more tender.

While these findings are promising, it’s important to remember that moderation and a balanced diet remain critical to maintaining good health throughout life.

Health and vinegar!


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Walk with Badia Vinagres and give your feet an acidly refreshing touch

Did you know that at Badia Vinagres, we have a handbook of potions with vinegar for body care? The thing is, this so-typical household product bears natural properties which can also be used to treat our hair or feet.

Today we’ll discuss the benefits of apple vinegar for our feet, information which could prove quite useful to you in the summer months. It’s worth mentioning that apple vinegar is not considered an agent of direct hydration, but it can help us in certain aspects of the care and health of our feet, because it has antimicrobial properties and may be beneficial for some common foot problems.

For example, apple vinegar can help soften and remove dead skin from feet through its light exfoliating action. This application may prove beneficial if your feet have calluses or rough skin. Mix one part apple vinegar with two parts water and gently rub this solution into your feet with a washcloth or sponge.

The refreshing properties of apple vinegar make it your perfect ally in the hottest months. It may be useful for relieving tiredness and swelling in feet. Prepare a recipient with water, add a cup of apple vinegar and soak your feet for 15-20 minutes to obtain a sensation of relief and freshness.

Apple vinegar can also help us fight fungal infections like athlete’s foot due to its antifungal properties. Dissolve one part apple vinegar with three parts lukewarm water and soak your feet in this solution for 15-20 minutes. Vinegar is not effective against all kinds of fungal infections, so please consult a health professional to obtain an accurate diagnosis. If you experience any negative reactions to vinegar, stop using it.

And thus, thanks to the properties of apple vinegar, you’ll be able to walk through the summer months on healthy, light feet with Badia Vinagres.

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Discovering the power of feedback: the Badia Vinagres Focus Group

We firmly believe in the importance of listening to our customers and constantly evolving to offer them the best possible experience. This is why, recently, we ran a focus group at the Badia Vinagres facilities, a valuable marketing tool designed to gather direct information from our customers and possible customers.

We held two sessions with some sixty participants. The experience was very enriching, giving us firsthand insight into the opinions and suggestions of those who’ve already tasted our vinegars and those interested in doing do. Hearing what they like best and discovering their needs and desires is priceless when it comes to designing our value proposition. It could also give rise to new products and formats as well as improvements in our products and services.

During the focus group, participants were asked to complete a questionnaire about demographic data, our brand and packaging or vinegar culture and consumption habits, among other themes.

In addition to gathering information through the questionnaire, we wanted to take our guests on an emotional and sensory journey through our facilities. We showed them the heart of our small factory, we shared our family history with them and we transmitted them our love for the craft and tradition of vinegar brewing.

Our aim was to make the focus group a different and unique experience in a relaxed, welcoming setting; so, naturally, we couldn’t forget the culinary experience. We ended the tour with a tasting of our vinegars, accompanied by tapas specially selected for the occasion.

We wanted our guests to experience our products’ versatility and how they can highlight the flavours of different dishes. It was a moment to delight the senses and explore new combinations.

We are profoundly grateful for the participation of each and every one of the people who joined our focus group. Their opinions and suggestions are a gift for us, as was their presence at our beloved vinegar brewery.

Thank you for forming part of our story and helping us improve!

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