Espàrrecs en escabetx

:: Ingredients ::

  • 10 espàrrecs blancs frescos (alternativa: de llauna)
  • 120 ml de suc de taronja
  • 1 taronja per la ratlladura
  • 70 ml de vinagre de poma ecològic amb les mares Badia
  • 40 g de festucs
  • 60 ml d’aigua
  • 4 grans de pebre negre
  • 2 claus d’olor
  • 1 cullerada de mel
  • 1 cullerada de sal
  • 1 culleradeta de sucre
  • 1 cullerada de mantega

:: Preparació ::

Cocció dels espàrrecs:

1. Netegeu i peleu els espàrrecs. Lligueu-los amb un cordill. 

2. Poseu aigua a bullir en una cassola estreta i alta amb una cullerada de sal i una culleradeta de sucre. 

3. Quan bulli, poseu-hi els espàrrecs de manera que només sobresurtin les puntes. Coeu els espàrrecs uns 10-20 minuts, segons el gruix, fins que estiguin tendres.

4. Col·loqueu-los en un recipient amb aigua freda per tallar la cocció i deixeu-los refredar.


Escabetx de taronja:

5. En una cassola, agregueu-hi el suc de taronja, el vinagre de poma ecològic amb les mares Badia, l’aigua, el pebre, el clau, la ratlladura d’una taronja i una mica de sal. Coeu-ho durant uns 5-10 minuts i retireu-ho del foc. 

6. Col·loqueu els espàrrecs en un recipient hermètic i aboqueu-hi l’escabetx i deixeu-ho reposar a la nevera 24 hores.


Presentació del plat:

7. Torreu els pistatxos picats en una paella. 

8. Afegiu-hi una cullerada de mantega; quan estigui fosa, afegiu-hi entre 4 i 8 cullerades de l’escabetx dels espàrrecs juntament amb una cullerada de mel. Coeu i reduïu la salsa i retireu-la del foc. 

9. Serviu els espàrrecs en un plat i afegiu-hi la salsa per sobre. També podeu acompanyar el plat amb taronja natural.

T’ha agradat aquesta recepta? Segueix descobrint com utilitzar els nostres vinagres i agredolços

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Apple vinegar and cider vinegar: Are they the same product?

Recently, a customer asked us an interesting question: “Are apple vinegar and cider vinegar the same?” and we thought it would be helpful to clarify this concept for all of our followers. So, we explain it to you in this blog.

To begin with, it has to be said; yes, apple vinegar and cider vinegar are the same thing. The confusion often comes from the production process. To make apple cider vinegar, firstly, the apple juice must go through an alcoholic fermentation process to become cider. Afterwards, this cider must go through a second fermentation process, this time acetic, to become apple cider vinegar. In short, vinegar cannot be made directly from apple juice, it must first become cider.

At Badia Vinegars, we offer two types of apple cider vinegar: apple cider balsamic vinegar and unfiltered organic apple cider vinegar with the mother. Both have 5 degrees of acidity and are made with apples from Lleida, but each has particular characteristics and uses.

Apple Cider Balsamic Vinegar

Apple cider balsamic vinegar is made with the juice of apples picked at just the right point of ripeness.

This vinegar has a milder acidity than wine, with very balanced sweet notes. In addition, it contains concentrated apple juice, which gives it a sweeter, milder and more culinary flavour.

This vinegar, which is part of our Gardeny range, is perfect for cooking and providing a differentiating touch to our salads and dishes.

Organic apple cider vinegar with mothers

On the other hand, organic apple cider vinegar with mothers is unfiltered and unpasteurised vinegar, so it contains the mother of vinegar and does not contain gluten or sulphites. This vinegar has a dry, fresh and traditional flavour, a clear reflection of what our Badia product range is all about.

It retains all of the beneficial properties of apple cider vinegar, such as promoting good digestion, its antimicrobial and antioxidant effects, helps us regulate blood sugar levels and improves our cardiovascular health, among other things. This vinegar is ideal for those looking for a natural and 100% organic option.

In summary, although apple cider vinegar and cider vinegar are the same, at Badia Vinegars we offer varieties that suit different culinary needs and tastes.

Whether you’re looking for a sweet, smooth twist to your recipes with our apple cider balsamic vinegar, or prefer a healthier, more traditional option with our organic apple cider vinegar with mothers, we’ve got the perfect solution!

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Cauliflower and leek velouté

:: Ingredients ::

  • 1 leek
  • 1/2 cauliflower
  • 1 sweet onion
  • 1 L of water or vegetable stock (approx.)
  • 25 ml of extra virgin olive oil
  • 15 ml of Badia white wine vinegar
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Chives or aromatic herbs (optional)
  • Cream (optional)

:: Preparació ::

  1. Clean and chop the leek, cauliflower and onion. Brown them with olive oil in a saucepan.
  2. Add water or vegetable stock. Bring to the boil, then simmer for about 10 minutes, until both the cauliflower and leek are tender.
  3. Remove from the heat and strain; set the liquid aside.
  4. Add 25 ml of olive oil, 15 ml of Badia white wine vinegar, salt and pepper. Whisk it and add some of the liquid set aside until you get the desired texture.

Presentation of the dish
Serve in a bowl. You can add a splash of cream, Badia white wine vinegar, olive oil, aromatic herbs or fried leek to decorate.

Did you like this recipe? Continue to discover how to use our vinegars and bittersweets

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The new era of the Badia range

Without a doubt, the most enriching experiences in life are those that connect us with our roots and traditions. And here at Badia Vinagres we do it through flavours that last over time.

Five generations and more than 100 years of artisanal vinegar production, in constant evolution, have left an indelible mark on our family heritage. And this has resulted in a great entrepreneurial and innovative spirit.

Each of our vinegars is the result of this family legacy, which has evolved through experience, passion and innovation. And it is through this constant evolution that today we have presented the news about our most traditional range: the Badia range.

We have designed some new labels, lending them a more modern touch which perfectly reflect our commitment to adapting to new times, but without losing the essence of our tradition.

What’s more, we have added a new product to the Badia line: organic white wine vinegar. Until now, the range was made up of organic red wine vinegar – the traditional one – and organic apple cider vinegar from Lleida, unfiltered and with mothers.

White wine vinegar is a fresher, more elegant variant of traditional vinegar. It is produced from the fermentation of white wine, from the Chardonnay grape variety. This fermentation process converts the alcohol in wine into acetic acid, resulting in a vinegar with a distinctive flavour profile.

This vinegar has a light, bright colour, with a soft and fresh aroma. Its flavour is delicate and slightly acidic; and unlike Cabernet Sauvignon red wine vinegar, which can have a more intense and robust note, white wine vinegar is smoother and more balanced.

It is ideal for salads, marinades, sauces and seasonings in which it is wished to accentuate the flavour. Its versatility in the kitchen makes it a highly appreciated ingredient by chefs and cooking enthusiasts, who can use it to lend a touch of sophistication to their dishes. In addition, white wine vinegar can also be used to marinate foods such as meat and fish, or even as an ingredient in refreshing drinks and cocktails.

In summary, the renewal of the Badia range of Badia Vinagres is much more than a simple update. It is a testament to our commitment to quality, tradition and innovation. Each vinegar are an expression of our territory and our dedication to offering you the best.

We invite you to embark on this journey of flavours in which each drop connects us with more than one hundred years of artisanal experience.

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Badia and Gardeny: two brands, one family

Five generations of Badia Vinagres have given their all. We have been making artisanal vinegars for more than a hundred years and we make every endeavour to offer you the most traditional flavours with a unique seal of authenticity.

In recent years, thanks to our experience, passion and innovation, we have included new flavours that define us perfectly. The most traditional vinegars, such as apple vinegar or traditional wine vinegar, bear our Badia seal, and the most innovative vinegars and bittersweets are part of our range Gardeny. They are two different concepts, but they have been created at the same factory.

Our line of Badia vinegars is like a journey towards our roots and traditions. Every drop of these vinegars connects us with more than one hundred years of artisanal experience. Badia vinegars are an expression of our territory and our dedication to offering you the best. The Badia range, made up of the most traditional flavoured vinegars, such as traditional organic wine vinegar and organic apple cider vinegar, enriches our more everyday preparations.

On the other hand, the Gardeny family of vinegars is a universe of discovery and culinary innovation. It is made up of a wide range of vinegars and bittersweets with surprising flavours that whisk us away to a world of infinite gastronomic possibilities. These vinegars are designed for the most demanding palates and the most creative cuisines, offering a unique, exciting experience. It is the perfect choice for experimenting with new combinations and flavours. At present, the Gardeny range is made up of more than a dozen balsamic vinegars and bittersweets which won’t leave you unmoved.

As we have already explained to you in previous publications on our blog, when we talk about balsamic vinegar we are referring to a very delicate product with a subtle sweetness that only contains two ingredients: wine and grape must. It is the preferred choice for those palates looking for a touch less acidity. On the other hand, bittersweets are food condiments with an acidity below 6%, which means that they cannot be called vinegars, technically, but they fulfil the same function. They are designed for those people who are not lovers of overly acidic flavours, but who want to give a surprising touch to their dishes.

Whether you opt for the tradition and authenticity of Badia vinegars or the daring and innovation of Gardeny vinegars, experiment and be seduced by the sophistication of our products.

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The female legacy of Badia Vinagres: Women who have preserved our family tradition

We are proud to be the fifth generation in charge of our family business which has been operating in the vinegar industry for more than a century. We are Judit and Marta, two passionate sisters who are proud of our family’s achievements and who feel a deep connection to our roots and the legacy left by previous generations.

To mark International Women’s Day, we want to express our deep admiration for the women who have formed part of our business over the years and whose roles, while not principal, were vital for the smooth operation of Badia Vinagres.

We would like to begin by talking about our mother, Ester Costa. She is an energetic woman who has devoted her body and soul to her children, her house and her own business. What’s more, she has been, and remains, a fundamental pillar for Badia Vinagres. We must also dedicate a few words to our aunt Maite, who also worked for the family business and charmed the whole town.

It warms our hearts to talk about our grandmother, Anna María Martí, who raised four children including our father, Agustí Badia. She was the family’s backbone, taking charge of the house’s upkeep and the children’s upbringing. Our great aunt Mundeta, who had to run her own business while being responsible for the housekeeping, was another key individual in this third generation of women. Our grandmother and great-aunt also devoted themselves to the family company when needed. 

Our great-grandmother, Treseta Carrera, supported a family of six children. Not only did she take care of her parents until the very last moment, but she was also in charge of housekeeping and organising the family business. By looking back at previous generations, we can appreciate the importance of women in all the successful businesses whose visible face was, and still is, a man. All these women have been crucial in keeping family businesses like Badia Vinagres running. We must also highlight the role of Maria Polo in this second generation of women, who was like a second grandmother to us. Besides the housekeeping, she was also in charge of supporting and maintaining the vinegar factory.

Our great-great-grandmother Anna Vilà was a crucial figure in the creation of the business. Starting up a business as a woman and devoting yourself to both your family and company must not have been easy in the early 20th century.

We are grateful for your dedication, your efforts and your unconditional love. You are a vital part of our history and our present, and we will always remember you fondly.

Thank you wholeheartedly. You are a source of inspiration.

Judit and Marta Badia

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Carrot cake with catalan vinaigrette

:: Ingredients ::

  • 300 g carrot
  • 5 eggs
  • 200 g sugar
  • 200 g flour
  • 1 sachet of yeast
  • 1 dose of Catalan Vinaigrette:
    o 50 ml Bittersweet of Porto
    o 100 ml extra virgin olive oil
    o ½ teaspoon of salt
    o 10 g toasted hazelnuts
    o 10 g toasted almonds
    o 10 g pine nuts
    o 10 g raisins

:: Preparation ::

1. Beat the egg yolks and sugar.
2. Add the flour, the yeast and the Catalan vinaigrette.
3. Clean, peel and grate the carrots.
4. Add and mix everything together.
5. Beat the whites until stiff.
6. Add slowly and mix gently.
7. Place the cake dough in a non-stick baking mould.
8. Bake in the oven at 200°C about 45 minutes, until cooked in the centre and
9. Remove from the mould and serve.

Did you like this recipe? Continue to discover how to use our vinegars and bittersweets

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History and uses of vinegar throughout the millennia

The history of vinegar is fascinating and takes us on a long journey through time, from preserved foods in ancient Mesopotamia to contemporary culinary delights such as romesco sauce.

Its origin goes back millennia: the first references date back to 5,000 BCE, when the first alcoholic beverages appeared, including the first drinking vinegars. We can find several references throughout the centuries: for example, in Ancient Greece the mixture of water, honey and vinegar was common and known as oxycrat, while in Rome the popular drink posca, the same condiment mixed with water, was considered a source of strength. It was in Mesopotamia however, around 2,400 BCE, that vinegar became an essential means of preserving food, allowing it to remain fresh for long periods of time. This innovation gave rise to pickles and pickling, a technique still used today to preserve vegetables, meat and fish.

Over time, vinegar became a fundamental culinary ingredient. In the 2nd century CE, its use as a sauce or condiment spread and became a key element in advanced gastronomy to add balance, clean fats or provide acidity and freshness. Adding it to dishes such as salads – together with oil and salt – made it an indispensable ingredient in Mediterranean and Asian cuisine.

Its original recipe includes ingredients that were abundant in the region, such as almonds, olive oil, tomato, nyora – a variety of dried pepper -, garlic and, of course, vinegar. Over time, romesco sauce has become a key ingredient in Catalan cuisine and is used to accompany a wide range of dishes, from traditional calçots, fish and seafood to grilled meats, vegetables or toasted bread. Its popularity has grown so much that today it is one of the most recognised and loved sauces in Mediterranean cuisine.

Our Badia vinegars are the perfect complement to traditional sauces such as romesco, mayonnaise or aioli.

Vinegar and its multiple uses have accompanied humanity for millennia: let’s appreciate its versatility and richness!

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Vinaigrettes to make you look like a pro chef

Our bittersweets are versatile vinegars that can be used in a plethora of different ways, including the creation of different vinaigrettes. If that sounds of interest to you, grab a pen and paper, make yourself comfortable and get ready to take notes!

You could use our Riesling bittersweet to knock up a Mediterranean-style vinaigrette that will add flavour, colour and aroma to your dish. This vinaigrette is also high in fibre, which is known to aid digestion. All you need to do is mix the bittersweet with extra virgin olive oil, salt, toasted sesame seeds, lemon peel and a selection of different aromatic herbs. You could use this vinaigrette in recipes such as baked fish with potatoes; diced watermelon with feta cheese; pasta salad with broccoli and anchovies; or to add a special touch to your vichyssoise.

Our Merlot bittersweet can really set off the most daring of vinaigrettes, such as the brava vinaigrette. It serves to create a creamy texture that will intensify, maintain the dish’s heat and facilitate digestion. This type of vinaigrette is easy to make – all you need to do is mix our bittersweet vinegar with mayonnaise or aioli, salt, hot sauce and smoked red pepper. You could try it with potatoes; sausage and vegetables; crispy chicken wings; or your favourite tacos (we recommend prawn and vegetable tacos, but it will be equally delicious with the tacos of your choice).

You could use our Port bittersweet to produce a Catalan-style vinaigrette made with local nuts that will make any dish more nutritious and flavoursome while lending it some distinct toasted notes. Simply mix it with extra virgin olive oil, salt, toasted hazelnuts and almonds, sultanas and pine nuts and allow yourself to be whisked away by the unique blend of flavours. You could use this vinaigrette in carrot cakes or in savoury dishes such as goat’s cheese salad with carquinyols and quince; courgette and tomato carpaccio; or a red fruit salad served with vanilla ice cream. You’ll be amazed by the result!

Our Orange honey bittersweet can be used to make a vinaigrette with seasonal fruits and digestive spices. Just mix it together with extra virgin olive oil, seasonal fruit juices (orange, mandarin, pear, apple, melon, etc.), cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg powder. We suggest using it in dishes such as chicken and vegetables; fresh pasta with parmesan cheese and sautéed tomato, pepper, mushrooms and diced seasonal fruit; oatmeal biscuits with fruit; or salmon tartare.

With these ideas, you’ll be able to impress your guests with just four types of bittersweet vinegar. By using them in your cooking, you’ll make each meal a true gastronomic experience that will awaken each of the five senses.

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Our lots and sweet and sour chocolates: a Christmas with history and flavour

This Christmas, we want to travel through time and share with you the history of Badia Vinagres and our family.

From 1925 until the 1970s, three different generations -our great-grandfather, our grandfather and our father- would go to deliver in the towns around Mollerussa. This year, we want to gift you with this tradition in the form of Christmas lots, named after the towns that have been part of our history.

While naming our lots, we imagined them travelling on the three-wheeled motorcycle, or in the DKW van, or in the Barreiros or Ebro truck. Depending on the length of the route, they would use one vehicle or another.

As some of you may already know, the second and third generations of Badia expanded the business and made wines, spirits, vinegars and ice. In addition, we distributed other renowned brands such as Priorat wines, Martini vermouth, Serra champagne and Miró champagne,  Damm beer or Pepsi-Cola. It was in the seventies when Badia Vinagres focused on the production of vinegars and also put an end to the routes through the villages.

The lots that we are offering you are little works of art and of gastronomy, a sample of everything we are, our history, our creativity and our evolution as vinegar producers. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do.

Little gastronomic  gifts

Who doesn’t have to rack their brains around these days to be an “invisible” friend, or to make a little gift to surprise a friend or family member? To make it easy for you, we have created the Fondarella, Miralcamp, Sidamon and Puiggròs lots.

Gastronomic details

As we know that you love our hand-painted cardboard boxes, we have prepared the lots of Vila-sana, Ivars d’Urgell, Barbens, El Palau d’Anglesola, El Poal and Els Arcs.

Within this range of gifts, you will also find the Fuliola, Boldú, Tornabous and La Guàrdia lots, which are presented in a small ceramic piece with the flower of our logo. They are 100% personalised and handmade by our ceramist, Carme Mercè, of La Fuliola.

Exclusive gifts

If you want to go further, the Golmés, Vilanova de Bellpuig, Castellnou, Bellvís and Bellpuig lots can be a perfect option as a gift for this holiday season. These lots are presented in wooden boxes, also painted by hand, which reflect the craftsmanship and authenticity that defines Badia Vinagres.

We also have options for fans of originality; the Torregrossa, Juneda and Mollerussa lots are exceptional.

You can come and discover our Christmas lots at the Pop-up Store that will remain open until the 30th of December in our vinegar factory.

Badia Vinagres (c. del Palau, 9, de Mollerussa)
Timetable: From the 27/11 to the 30/12
Monday to Friday, from 8 to17 h (we do not close at noon)
and Wednesdays until 19 h


Were you surprised by our lots with history? Well, now we want to tell you about a product that we have been offering you for Christmas for a few years. Vinegar and chocolate lovers, pay attention!

We bring you a chocolate that departs from the classic, creamy, white, dark or milk chocolate praline, caramel or hazelnut chocolates. It is an author’s chocolate, surprising and essential for understanding Christmas at Mollerussa.

For the last four years, we have been creating our own sweet and sour chocolates. They are gastronomic collectibles, gourmet delights to surprise the most exquisite palates. You can find them in some of our lots and you can also purchase them separately. They are a little luxury for this Christmas!

These chocolates are created exclusively for Badia Vinagres by the Uñó pastry shop in Mataró. They have been master pastry chefs since the 1960s and have a wide variety of handmade products, ranging from the most traditional to the most creative ones.

Four flavours of dark chocolate bonbons filled with a reduction of our sweet and sour:

  • Merlot sweet and sour chocolate, with sensations of red fruit
  • Riesling sweet and sour chocolate, with refreshing notes of tropical fruit
  • Porto sweet and sour chocolate, with a touch of Porto wine
  • Orange blossom honey sweet and sour chocolate, with a light touch of honey

You can buy our sweet and sour chocolates exclusively in our Pop-up store and in the online store. They are of a limited edition, so hurry up!

This Christmas, treat yourself and others to Badia Vinagres!

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